Fractal Life Science, Liberty, Ethics and the Upgrading of Renaissance Optics

Known as The Man of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci’s Theory of all knowledge is recognised as being basic of the modern age of mechanistic science and technology. The key to this work of great genius was the human eye. Leonardo’s optical key was associated with Sir Francis Bacon’s vision of a great empire for all men based upon all knowledge through the eye. Thomas Jefferson, inspired by this concept, depicted the Egyptian All seeing eye concept upon the great seal of America.

The term Renaissance refers to a rebirth of the lost Classical Greek Science of Life. The 14th Century Great Italian Renaissance was an extension of the Islamic Translator School that was set up in Toledo Spain during the 11,12th and 13th Century. The Translator School was about the recovery of several centuries of ancient Greek science which the Christian Church had mostly destroyed as heresy. During the Golden Age of Islamic science the writings of Al Haitham, known as the father of optics, has since demonstrated that Leonardo da Vinci’s status as the Man of the Renaissance is simply a great myth. Recent optical discoveries have proven this to be so.

Al Haitham had corrected Plato’s optics but retained the warning that to use the eye as the source of all knowledge could only lead to an ignorant and destructive scientific world view. The engineer Buckminster Fuller’s life energy discoveries, derived from Plato’s spiritual optics or holographic optics, are now basic to a new life science being developed by the three 1996 Nobel laureates in Chemisty.

» Read more: Fractal Life Science, Liberty, Ethics and the Upgrading of Renaissance Optics

Science and God’s Existence, Do They Agree Or Disagree?

Some people think that when a person studies science deeply, he/she will probably find out that God does not exist. Far from the truth! One day a young science student in a biology practical lesson put iodine solution on cooked starch and saw a blue-black color. He got excited and went home to disprove the existence of God to his Christian grand mother who used to talk about the presence of God!

Actually, the more one learns about science, the deeper he/she gets to believe that God exists! Who provides the forces that hold the stars and moon around the sun? How do electrons manage to keep around the atom? How does the brain efficiently and effectively coordinate all the activities of the body? Who can fully explain the power behind the engine of life, the pumping heart, which does not wear out or get tired for all the years of one’s life, a part from the one who created it? A deeper search attempting to answer some of the above questions will lead someone to believe that there must be a supernatural being behind all creation and life processes.

Today’s technological advancement involving heart transplantation, test tube fertilization, technology literacy and many more provides more understanding of the existence of God, the author of all wisdom and knowledge, which he partially gives to his people to contribute to His creation for the benefit of all the people on earth. The wonderful design depicted by nature provides more evidence to prove the existence of a supernatural artist. As one man put it “You need more faith to believe that there is no God than to approve His existence.”

» Read more: Science and God’s Existence, Do They Agree Or Disagree?

Why Traditional Leadership Development Programs So Often Fail to Make a Difference – And What to Do

The Need for Leaders:

The importance of science and technology to our way of life is generally taken for granted, however in a world where it has been said that the general population is nearly scientifically illiterate, the various roles that science based professionals are called on to fulfill are increasingly significant. In our complex global society our scientific and technical communities are facing new challenges, whether it be moving beyond the bench into leadership roles within an organization, starting up their own company to take their technology to the market, or providing credible information to non-scientists for government policy making decisions, to name just a few examples. Yet to often their scientific training has done little to adequately prepare them for the transition from technical expert to a leader required to influence others.

The Challenge:

The solution most often used In the past was to send the science professionals to courses to learn how to become better leaders. But traditional leadership development programs, heavily weighted to ‘learning how to lead’, have too often failed to produce the level of leadership behaviour needed for success in to-day’s society. In a large part this is because the hurdles that scientists and technical specialists must overcome to become better leaders have been under-estimated, and therefore under-addressed.

» Read more: Why Traditional Leadership Development Programs So Often Fail to Make a Difference – And What to Do