Science and God’s Existence, Do They Agree Or Disagree?

Some people think that when a person studies science deeply, he/she will probably find out that God does not exist. Far from the truth! One day a young science student in a biology practical lesson put iodine solution on cooked starch and saw a blue-black color. He got excited and went home to disprove the existence of God to his Christian grand mother who used to talk about the presence of God!

Actually, the more one learns about science, the deeper he/she gets to believe that God exists! Who provides the forces that hold the stars and moon around the sun? How do electrons manage to keep around the atom? How does the brain efficiently and effectively coordinate all the activities of the body? Who can fully explain the power behind the engine of life, the pumping heart, which does not wear out or get tired for all the years of one’s life, a part from the one who created it? A deeper search attempting to answer some of the above questions will lead someone to believe that there must be a supernatural being behind all creation and life processes.

Today’s technological advancement involving heart transplantation, test tube fertilization, technology literacy and many more provides more understanding of the existence of God, the author of all wisdom and knowledge, which he partially gives to his people to contribute to His creation for the benefit of all the people on earth. The wonderful design depicted by nature provides more evidence to prove the existence of a supernatural artist. As one man put it “You need more faith to believe that there is no God than to approve His existence.”

Many great scientists who lived before us and who established the foundation for the modern Science died after confessing that God exists! Armstrong, the first Scientist to visit the moon appreciated the existence of God when he landed on the moon. Sir Isaac Newton, the found of the acceleration due to gravity died when he was a Christian and after accepting that the living God does exist. Darwin, the father of evolution confessed that “to believe that an eye, together with all its parts uniquely and corporately joined together was as a result of chance is the absurdity of the highest order”.

The best laboratory to prove the existence of God is not that of Chemistry, Biology or Physics but one’s own life. I have proved this by my own life which I surrendered to Him at an age of 20 and he transformed me from a sinful, hopeless and destructive life to the present new, optimistic and constructive life. The creator of heaven and earth, who formed you, has the power to transform you! Because He made you, He has the power to mend you! He is the creator of all the visible and invisible (Col 1:16) and therefore, the best consultant for prospective scientists and researchers who want to discover more invisible things in Science and life. If you are unable to prove His non-existence then desist from denying His presence. If you cannot defeat them its better you join them.